Proposed Route: Brooklyn, New York to Wintersville, Ohio

More Maps: (2) Wintersville, OH to South Bend, IN; (3) South Bend, IN to Newton, IA; (4) Newton, IA to Lexington, NE; (5) Lexington, NE to Saratoga, WY; (6) Saratoga, WY to Orem, UT; (7) Orem, UT to Austin, NV; (8) Austin, NV to San Francisco, CA.

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Google Maps only gives you 25 waypoints to work with. But here’s how the proposed walking route looks like from its rough starting point in Brooklyn, New York all the way into Wintersville, Ohio. And this is only about 500 miles, or one sixth of the total journey.

Two Trial Walks


So to give everybody a sample of what I have in mind (and to encourage more Indiegogo donations to the campaign), I have two trial walks in the works: one that will take me from the northern tip of Manhattan to Sleepy Hollow (which includes the marvelous cemetery, pictured above), the other from Brooklyn to Hempstead. Each stretch is about 20 miles. I’m hoping to do one of these on Friday and, as I walk and talk with people, I’ll be offering reports in real time. More details TK!

Trial Walks in Long Island

I may be doing some trial walks for the project in Long Island next week to give potential Indiegogo donors an idea of what my 3,000 mile cross-country journey will look like. There’s a part of me that wants to do this for a few days, but I don’t yet have the tent and the equipment. However, I can still write some dispatches and conduct some oral history to give you folks a sneak preview. This is a hypothetical question, but is there anybody in Hempstead, Huntington, or Stony Brook who would let me crash on their couch for this test run? Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.